Locating the Future

Talk of Town joints the economic region of Augsburg A3 on their way into the future: Our sustainable image campaign starts (of course!) in the iconic year 2020.

The year 2020 is truly iconic, that’s why it keeps popping up in the visions of economics, politicians and sci-fi fans. Just in time for the glamourous date, the economic region of Augsburg A3 will launch a long-term image campaign for the emerging real estate market. In close cooperation with leading representatives of the local real estate industry, Regio Augsburg Wirtschafts GmbH would like to illustrate the advantages of the traditionally excellently connected, sustainable location in the heart of Bavaria. With our campaign we target real estate agents, major investors, companies interested in settling here as well as skilled workers, thoughtleaders and doers of tomorrow.

Well-connected innovation park and logistics hub

“In Augsburg, the vision of the technology centre of the future has already come true: In Bavaria’s third-largest economic region, complete value-added chains from key industries such as lightweight construction, carbon/fiber composites, mechatronics, IT and environmental technology are located within just a few miles”, reports Annika Keilhauer, Managing Director of the Waechter & Waechter PR & Event GmbH. “Numerous science and business clusters demonstrate the location’s implementation strength and living business cluster. At the hub of European logistics, a conurbation has been growing for decades. Short distances and resource efficiency drives the inspirational growth.

The strong starting position of the A3 region, i.e. the city of Augsburg, Augsburg Land and Aichach-Friedberg, was translated by the Waechter & Waechter agency group into the confident claim “We make the future. Better”. In extensive positioning workshops, we defined the entire storytelling, developed suitable tools and created ideas for the location marketing of the future. The look & feel of the A3 brand also got a little fresh up. The three-year running PR campaign, directed by Talk of Town, is now underpinning the attractiveness of Augsburg A3 as a place to live and work, where the future has already begun in 2020, as countless success stories will tell.