Talk of Town teams up famous food bloggers for cheese from Switzerland. Delicious recipes and travel dreams all inclusive.
Sustainable Drinking
Talk of Town secures PR account of Emil – the Bottle. The Bavarian family-owned company trusts its new strategic partner from Munich.
Salzburg from Up Above
International summits are seemingly part of the daily business routine at Bayer Crop Science: The Euro trip of our loyal Big Moments’ client was truly elevating this year.
German Cruise Control
For the 3rd time in a row Big Moments stages the roadshow of MSC Cruises as elegant as a classic Captain’s Dinner. On board: Around 700 excited travel professionals.
Room for a Raffle
Talk of Town secures PR account for Germany’s currently largest private residential real estate company. As a show opener the local press is raffling off rental space right across Munich’s most wanted city districts.