New Real Estate Award

Together with Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH, Wächter PR creates the A³ Real Estate Award – sustainable ideas for tomorrow“. Application period ends December 2022!

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Virtual Breakfast Brief

For the 39th IDS, Talk of Town invites the dental world to a virtual press breakfast. The motto of COLTENE’s products: Simplify your life!

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Laderach Popcorn

Big Office Hit

Launching products and trade conferencing in Corona times: Talk of Town makes Blockbusters big!

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Picture Postcard

Client: Region Fribourg
Project / Product: Holidays in Western Switzerland
Task: Tourism PR

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Home of the Big Cheeses

Client: Switzerland Cheese Marketing
Product / Project: 15 most popular cheeses from Switzerland
Task: Premium positioning &
communication of the special quality in a long-term B2C-campaign

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We Help Facades!

Client: WACKER
Project / Product: Silicon Resin Emulsion Paint
Task: Sales growth & communication of the special quality

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The Peak of Pleasure

Client: Läderach chocolatier suisse
Project / Product: FrischeSchoggi, Truffes & Mini Mousse
Task: Brand & Corporate PR

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